Star Symbol Copy and Paste

Star Symbols


(★) Black Star, (☆) White Star, (⚝) Outlined White Star, (✩) Stress Outlined White Star, (✴) Eight Pointed Black Star, (✳) Eight Spoked Asterisk, (☄) Comet, (✪) Circled White Star, (✫) Open Centre Black Star, (✬) Black Centre White Star, (✭) Outlined Black Star, (🟉) Light Five Pointed Black Star, (🟊) Heavy Five Pointed Black Star, (✮) Heavy Outlined Black Star, (✯) Pinwheel Star, (✰) Shadowed White Star, (⭐) White Medium Star, (⛤) Pentagram, (⛦) Left-Handed Interlaced Pentagram, (⛧) Inverted Pentagram, (🟀) Light Three Pointed Black Star, (🟂) Three Pointed Black Star, (🟃) Medium Three Pointed Pinwheel Star, (✦) Black Four Pointed Star, (✧) White Four Pointed Star, (🟄) Light Four Pointed Black Star, (🟆) Four Pointed Black Star, (🟇) Medium Four Pointed Pinwheel Star, (🟈) Reverse Light Four Pointed Pinwheel Star, (🌟) Glowing Star, (🌠) Shooting Star, (🟌) Heavy Six Pointed Black Star, (🟍) Six Pointed Pinwheel Star, (✶) Six Pointed Black Star, (✡) Star of David ☪ Star and Crescent, (❂) Circled Open Centre Eight Pointed Star, (✷) Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black Star, (✸) Heavy Eight Pointed Rectilinear Black Star, (🟎) Medium Eight Pointed Black Star, (🟒) Light Twelve Pointed Black Star, (🟔) Heavy Twelve Pointed Pinwheel Star, (⋆) Star Operator, (⍟) APL Functional Symbol Circle Star, (≛) Star Equals, (⍣) APL Functional Symbol Star Diaeresis, (٭) Arabic Five Pointed Star, (* ) Asterisk, (⁎) Low Asterisk, (⁑) Two Asterisks Aligned Vertically, (✱) Heavy Asterisk, (✲) Open Centre Asterisk, (✼) Open Centre Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk, (✽) Heavy Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk, (❃) Heavy Teardrop-Spoked Pinwheel Asterisk, (❉) Balloon-Spoked Asterisk, (⧆) Squared Asterisk, (✢) Four Teardrop-Spoked Asterisk, (✣) Four Balloon-Spoked Asterisk, (✤) Heavy Four Balloon-Spoked Asterisk, (✥) Four Club-Spoked Asterisk, (✳) Eight Spoked Asterisk, (❊) Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller Asterisk, (❋) Heavy Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller Asterisk, (✺) Sixteen Pointed Asterisk, (∗) Asterisk Operator, (⊛) Circled Asterisk Operator, (✨) Sparkles, (❇) Sparkle, (❈) Heavy Sparkle, (🔆) High Brightness Symbol, (🔅) Low Brightness Symbol, (✺) Sixteen Pointed Asterisk

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